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Southover CE Primary School


Our teachers are:

Falcon: Mrs Fenton (Monday and Tuesday), Mrs Eke (Wednesday to Friday), Mrs Woodley (TA) Mrs Fish (INA) 

Eagle: - Ms Hayward-Tapp, Mr Ewen (TA) & Mrs Harris (TA) 


Year 6 Residential Trip PGL 2024


Here are some useful documents about our exciting trip! Please see below in Useful Year 6 Information and Resources: Essential Packing List, Parent Info Pack, Activity Planning Provisional.


Dates: Monday 24 June to Wednesday 26 June

Here is our Topic Homework for the term with some fun tasks for you to choose from.

Important Dates and Letters


Safety in Action at Newhaven Fort: Wednesday 4th October


Rainbow Theatre visit Southover : Ancient Greece Through the Eyes of a Child: Monday 16th October


Year 6 SATs: Monday 13th to Thursday 16th May 2024


Year 6 Residential Trip to PGL Marchants Hill: Monday 24th to Wednesday 26th June 2024



