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Southover CE Primary School

For more information about how we support our children with SEND please see our Curriculum pages

      Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Information Report

  Southover Primary School



About this report



The Children and Families Act 2014 says that all maintained schools must publish a Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) Information Report every year. This report explains how our school meets the needs of children with SEND.  It will be shown on our school website and in the ‘local offer’ on


In the report, we explain how we meet our duties towards pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. This report is also our SEND policy. For more information on the law and guidance, see


We will review this report every year and will involve pupils and parents by inviting comments and through Additional Needs Plan and Annual Reviews.  If you want to give us your views about the report, please contact the school office or the Deputy Headteacher & SENCO/Inclusion Manager -


Date: September 2024


Who do I contact about my child’s special educational needs?

If you are thinking of applying for a place, contact the school office on 01273 473015


If your child is already at the school, your first point of contact at school is your child’s class teacher. The school phone number is 01273 473015


The SENCO/Inclusion Manager is responsible for managing the support for children with special educational needs, including those who have an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan. The SENCO/Inclusion Manager also provides professional guidance to school staff and works closely with parents and other services that provide for children in the school.


Deputy Headteacher & SENCO/Inclusion Manager – Mrs Zoe Short


How to Contact:

01273 473015


Southover School website:  



Which children does the school provide for?



We are a Primary School. We admit pupils from age 4 to 11 years. We are a voluntary controlled school.


We are an inclusive school. This means we provide for children with all types of special educational needs. If you want a place for a child who has an Education Health and Care plan, contact your Assessment and Planning Officer at East Sussex County Council. If you want a place for any other child with special educational needs, you should apply as normal and your application will be considered in the same way as applications for children without special educational needs.



Summary of how the school meets the needs of children with SEN and disabilities



Southover School is committed to ensuring all children make the best progress they possibly can.  As a whole school, we aim to support children’s needs through a diverse curriculum and range of support programmes.  Both teaching and support staff are committed to supporting children and have a wide and varied knowledge of needs and an in-depth skill set which ensures our children reach their potential. This ensures we meet our duties under the Children and Families Act 2014, and the Equalities Act 2010.


Using a continual process of Assess, Plan, Do and Review we are able to ensure the children in our school are continually monitored and reach their potential in all areas of the curriculum including their social, emotional, mental health and wellbeing.


We use the East Sussex Local offer as a basis for delivering our SEND support.  See link below for information.


If a child is looked after by the local authority, they will have an Additional Needs Plan, which will include a Personal Education Plan (PEP) and a Health plan. We will involve parents and carers as well as foster carers or social workers in discussions.



How does the school identify children’s special educational needs and disabilities?



We aim to identify a child’s special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) as early as possible so they achieve the best possible outcomes.

A pupil has SEND where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision. This provision is different from or additional to, what is normally available to pupils of the same age.


Children may have one or more broad area of special educational need:


  • Communication and interaction – including speech and language difficulties and autism
  • Cognition and learning – including developmental delay and specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia and DCD (developmental coordination disorder / [dyspraxia]).
  • Social, emotional and mental health difficulties – including attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), an attachment disorder or anxiety.
  • Sensory and/or physical needs- including visual and hearing impairment, cerebral palsy and other physical disabilities or medical conditions which affect a child’s learning.  


These are some of the ways in which Southover identifies children with SEND:


  • Speech and Language assessments are conducted with individual children as appropriate 
  • Assessment of all Reception Year children with the Language Link programme in the autumn term and all new children to the school. 
  • Regular assessment of progress throughout the year – a programme of assessment is planned across all year groups
  • Class teacher observations and assessments 
  • Dyslexia identification forms are available for all teachers
  • COLIN assessment (Communication and Literacy needs)
  • SENCO/Inclusion Manager observations
  • Discussions between class teacher and SENCO/Inclusion Manager
  • Pupil Progress Meetings three times a year – with the SENCO/Inclusion Manager and individual teachers
  • Parent consultations
  • Transition phone calls, visits and notes from nursery schools/previous schools 
  • Dyslexia screening tests 
  • Individual Thrive online assessments
  • Phonics assessments
  • Reading assessments 
  • Scrutiny of children’s work by Headteacher, Deputy Head/SENCO on a regular basis.


Following a concern being raised by the class teacher, parent or SENCO/Inclusion Manager an initial meeting is set up to discuss the concerns. From this, appropriate intervention or further assessment will be carried out, depending on the outcomes of the initial meeting.  Every child is an individual and as such their support plan is individual.


We view all behaviour as communication. We quickly identify support required for children displaying behaviours which may be detrimental to their learning, including being withdrawn, aggressive or disruptive.  By looking at the behaviours, we can usually identify the child’s underlying needs and difficulties, ensuring we put in place a support plan which targets not just the behaviours but the reasons why.


We assess each child's skills and level of attainment when they start at the school. We continually assess each child’s progress. If a child is making less than expected progress we would expect for their age or individual circumstances we will consider whether they have special educational needs. The SENCO/Inclusion Manager will work with the class teacher and parents in identifying support which may be appropriate, putting in place this support with immediate effect, even when the information and evidence is still being gathered. 


A range of assessments may be carried out by the class teacher, SENCO/Inclusion Manager or teaching assistant to quickly identify what support, including dyslexia screening assessments, Thrive assessments, reading, writing, maths, spelling and phonics assessments, speech and language assessments and continuum of need assessments.  In addition to this, we ask the child for their views about their learning. All teachers and teaching assistants are familiar with these assessments.




How does the school teach and support children with SEND?


The following questions may support you in understanding how Southover support children with SEND:


How will school staff support my child?


  • Through good inclusive high-quality teaching and learning.
  • By creating  Additional Needs Plans (ANPs).  These are reviewed at least three times a year. 
  • Discussions between teacher/SENCO/parents
  • Outside services involvement where necessary
  • Flexibility within the classroom 
  • Teaching assistant support who have an extensive knowledge and experience in supporting children
  • Teachers and teaching assistants who are trained in key areas such as dyslexia and autism spectrum condition(ASC) and speech and language
  • Training for teachers and teaching assistants in quality interventions. 
  • Differentiation in class, meaning lessons are tailored to the individual needs of each child
  • Specific interventions and precision teaching
  • Use of Makaton and visuals


How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?


  • Additional needs plans reviewed three times a year
  • Regular review of progress of all children through pupil progress meetings
  • Teacher planning of work at the appropriate level
  • Regular contact with parents if there are concerns
  • Homework/home activities
  • Outside services reviews with feedback to parents
  • A communication book between parent and teacher if appropriate 
  • Parent consultations
  • Direct email to the SENCO/Inclusion Manager
  • Additional parent meetings by appointment with SENCO/Inclusion Manager or class teacher
  • Curriculum evenings


What specialist services and expertise are available at, or accessed by, the school?


  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
  • Play Therapy, Art Therapy, Fegans  (Counselling services)
  • School Health Service
  • Children’s Services 
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Educational Psychology Service (EP)
  • CLASS (Communication, Learning and Autism Support Service)
  • Gypsy, Romany & Traveller Service
  • English as an Additional Language Service (EAL)
  • Dyslexia screening tests
  • Sensory Needs Service (SNS)
  • Inclusion Team (formally ESBAS)
  • Dyslexia approved SENCO/ Inclusion Manager and TAs 
  • Paediatricians



How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?


The level of support your child receives is determined by a process called the Graduated Approach (Assess, Plan, Do, Review)


When a child is identified with SEND they will be put on the SEND register and we create an Additional Needs Plan (ANP) that details how their needs will be supported. 


  • Assess: We will assess your child's needs, in collaboration with you and other professionals where appropriate and identify barriers to learning.
  • Plan:  We create outcomes and detail interventions and support in place.
  • Do: We will carry out the support plan for a set period of time.
  • Review: The effectiveness of the support and impact on the pupil’s progress will be reviewed and a new plan will be set out. If your child requires more support or further assessments, it will be set out in the Review. Usually, a review will happen 3 times a year.


How are parents involved in the school?  How can I be involved?


  • Parent questionnaires/Parent voice
  • Parent governors
  • Friends of Southover (PTA)
  • Parent meetings/workshops
  • Curriculum evenings
  • Use of parent expertise
  • Parent forums
  • Attend trips out of school
  • Volunteer to help in class



How will the curriculum and learning environment be matched to my child’s/young person’s needs?


All pupils will have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which is suitable for all. We have high expectations for all pupils. Our behaviour policy is based on the Empowerment Approach.


We adjust the curriculum for each child with SEND to make sure that they can access the subjects and make progress. 

The provision within school for children with SEND is described as:



Universal: The support needs of a child can be met through good inclusive high-quality teaching and learning without many adjustments to the learning experience


Targeted: The support needs of a child requires specific adjustments and will include the involvement of the SENCO and possibly additional supporting professionals such as Educational Psychology. A child may be assessed by health services for specific conditions or needs.


Enhanced: The support needs of a child are significant and require a coordinated approach from school staff and supporting professionals. This can include an Education, Health and Care Plan.


We will look at the child’s level of attainment and how they are accessing the curriculum and the four areas of SEND need and see what support they need to make good progress and reach their potential. 



How are parents and carers involved in reviewing children’s progress and planning support?  


  • Additional needs plans are reviewed at least 3 times a year with parents invited to contribute to these. 
  • Attainment and progress of maths, reading and writing is detailed on the ANPs. 
  • Teachers are available in the mornings and at pick up for quick chats and teachers will meet with parents or give you a call on request. 
  • Parents can contact the SENCO directly in person, by phone or direct email. 
  • Homework/home activities
  • Outside services reviews with feedback to parents
  • Parent consultations 
  • Additional parent meetings by appointment with SENCO or class teacher
  • Parent training events/information meetings/workshops
  • Curriculum evenings
  • An open door policy.
  • Yearly Annual Report for all children


For children who require more enhanced support, a request for statutory assessment will be made to ESCC for an Education and Health Care Plan. Children with an EHC plan will have a statutory annual review in addition to the regular reviews. 



Parents may wish to refer to Code of Practice 6.64 – 6.71 when thinking about supporting their child.


How are children involved in reviewing their progress and planning support?


This chart may support you in understanding how your child is involved in reviewing their progress:



Who’s involved?

How often?

Self assessment

Pupil, class teacher


Class Circle times

Pupil, class teacher

Regular sessions as needed

I Wish My Teacher Knew (Pupil Voice)

Pupil, class teacher

In all classrooms at all times with regular sessions

School Council

Class, teacher

Meetings six times a year

Pupil Voice/Pupil Views or Pupil Survey

Pupil, SENCO/Inclusion Manager, class teacher, TA

At least once a year

SEN support review meetings 

Pupil, parents, class teacher, SENCO/Inclusion Manager

At least three times a year

Transfer Pupil Voice

Identified children in year 6

Term 5/6 of year 6

Annual reviews (EHC plans only)

Pupil, parents, SENCO/Inclusion Manager, class teacher, support services, local authority.

Once a year





How will the school prepare and support my child to transfer to a new school or the next stage of education and life?


  • Transitional sessions with secondary schools
  • Good links with range of secondary schools
  • Meetings with all secondary schools for children with SEN Support and EHC plans – extra visits 
  • Visits by class teacher and SENCO/Inclusion Manager to nurseries
  • Meetings with parents
  • Additional visits to school for nursery children
  • Keyworker meetings for nursery aged children
  • Transition booklet completed for  those going to secondary school
  • Transition sessions and transition booklet within school and between year groups
  • Extra sessions for children transitioning from Reception to Key Stage 1 
  • Taster sessions at school for new Reception children.
  • Monthly library sessions at school for pre-schoolers 
  • Additional transition sessions throughout the school as needed – these may be for any year group or individual child as necessary.



What training do school staff have? 


When we plan support for a child, we think about the knowledge and skills their teachers and support staff will need. If necessary, we plan training for the staff member or arrange an INSET training day.  The whole school development plan ensures coverage of the various training needs across the school.


Teachers and teaching assistants have performance management reviews.  These meetings support the identification of training needs across the school.


Teaching assistants meet monthly and have training sessions with the SENCO/Inclusion Manager or outside support agencies as appropriate.  A training programme for the new year is decided upon based on needs identified in the yearly appraisal process and the School Development and Improvement Plan (SDIP). All teachers and teaching assistants have core training in dyslexia, autism and speech, language and communication needs. 


How does the school measure how well it teaches and supports children with SEND?


We regularly and carefully review the quality of teaching for all pupils to try and make sure no-one under achieves. We look at whether our teaching and programmes of support have made a difference. We use information systems to monitor the progress and development of all pupils.  This helps us to develop the use of interventions that are effective and to remove those that are less so.


We complete an annual self-evaluation of our SEND provision and use this to develop an action plan to further improve our SEND provision. This is reviewed by the SENCO/Inclusion Manager and SEND governor on a yearly basis.


We send home a parent questionnaire every year then summarise the results and feedback to parents. This information helps to inform the school improvement plan.


We also invite parents to provide feedback at meetings, through attending parent forums, parent questionnaires, SEND questionnaires and through the Ofsted parent view website.


How does the school know that the provision for pupils with SEND is effective? What is the impact on outcomes for pupils with SEND?


  • Additional Needs Plan outcomes are regularly met
  • Reviews on a three times a year basis, or more often as necessary.
  • All children’s progress is tracked on a regular basis, including SEND



How accessible is the school and how does the school arrange equipment or facilities children need?



  • All of the ground floor in the main building is wheelchair accessible
  • Classrooms and year groups are changed round to suit age ranges and needs
  • Ground floor disabled toilet
  • Gym and ICT suite currently has limited access 
  • Buzzer system to gain access to school during school day
  • Office open from 8.30am – 4.30pm
  • Equalities and Accessibility plan
  • Disability Discrimination Act legislation
  • We are subject to the Equalities Act
  • Visual & Hearing Impairment equipment available from Sensory Needs Service



How will my child/young person be included in activities with other children, including school trips?


Through careful planning and reasonable adjustments, pupils with SEND engage in the activities of the school together with those who do not have SEND and are encouraged to participate fully in the life of the school and in any wider community activity.


We work with parents and pupils to listen to their views, feelings and wishes to ensure pupils with SEND engage fully in the life of the school and in any wider community activity.


  • All children attend trips irrelevant of cost/payment
  • Additional adults as necessary – parents invited
  • Risk assessments
  • Discussions with parents well in advance – concerns can be raised from either school or parents.
  • Playground friends/buddies/helpers
  • Medication, dietary and allergies catered for
  • Pupil Premium funding – see Pupil Premium report.
  • See link to Equalities and Accessibility Policies, above


What support will there be for my child’s/young person’s overall well-being and their emotional, mental and social development?


  • PSHE lessons
  • Empowerment Approach Behaviour Policy 
  • Social skills sessions in small groups
  • Pupil Voice – children’s questionnaire on their learning/feelings
  • Counselling services through Play Therapy, Art Therapy and Fegans
  • Nurture groups and a Nurture Class (Robin Class)
  • Medicines kept in the office and administered by appropriately trained staff
  • Social, emotional and mental health and behaviour plans
  • Regular reviews of attendance
  • Inclusion Advisor and Attendance advisor - TASS - Team Around the School and Setting  (formally ESBAS) 
  • Staff trained in personal care
  • School Health Team Access 
  • Anti-Bullying Weeks
  • E-safety lessons
  • Buddies/play leaders
  • Staff training in understanding of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), communication difficulties and dyslexia
  • Positive ethos
  • Zones of Regulation 
  • Online THRIVE assessments for individuals
  • Self Esteem programmes
  • Varied assemblies using a range of outside agencies, e.g. NSPCC
  • SCSM – Social, Cultural, Moral and Spiritual development


We will monitor and review progress, with the child and parent. We will do this as part of the SEND support planning cycle of assess, plan, do review.


What specialist services does the school use to support children and their families?


As part of the cycle of SEND support, (assess, plan, do, review) we will consider whether we need to involve other services to make sure the child’s specific needs are met. Parents are always involved in any decision to involve specialists.


We use a variety of outside agencies to support children and staff alike:


  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
  • Play Therapy - counselling services
  • Early Help Keyworker support
  • School nurse
  • Children’s services (Social Services)
  • Occupational Therapy (OT)
  • Speech and language therapy (SaLT)
  • Physiotherapy
  • Continence Service
  • Educational Psychology Service
  • CLASS – Communication, Language and Autism Support Service
  • Sensory Needs Service
  • Gypsy, Romany and Traveller Services
  • English as an Additional Language Service (EALs)
  • Dyslexia screening tests
  • Oncology
  • Inclusion Advisor and Attendance Adviser (TASS)
  • Teaching and Learning Provision
  • Early Years’ Service
  • Dyslexia trained TA
  • Dyslexia approved Inclusion Manager
  • Paediatricians (Scott Unit – Eastbourne)
  • GP services


Link to policies for Behaviour and anti-bullying, Safeguarding and Supporting pupils with medical conditions.














Where can I get information, advice and support? 


Key contacts at Southover School are:


  • Your child’s class teacher – (via office)
  • Deputy Headteacher & Inclusion Manager – Mrs Zoe Short
  • Headteacher – Mr Noel Fadden (via office)
  • Chair of Governors – Ms Susanne Pollard
  • SEND governor – Ms Susanne Pollard
  • Services – as listed
  • School office (01273 473015)


The ‘local offer’ on the internet




SEND information, advice and support service


0345 60 80 192 


What do I do if I am not happy or if I want to complain?


Contact the school office 01273 473015 / or

