Chess at Southover
Chess club is thriving and we recently played a chess match against Lewes Old Grammar School, and enjoyable annual event for both schools. Our team made up with children from Y4 to Y6 played against a group of children from Y5 to Y8 in a convivial atmosphere where their brains and nerves were tested. After many close games, we ended up winning by 9.5 points to 6.5 points with everyone on the team contributing points. Many thanks to Mr Rogers from LOGS for the hospitality and to all players for the manners shown.
The team was: Albert, Iris, Holly, Joseph, Lenny, Bertie, Edie and Amaya.
Spring term sees the annual Southover Chess Competition. Last year saw 24 children gain prizes over the term and Charles Adams the eventual champion. He is now studying at Brighton College and a member of their chess team.