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Southover CE Primary School

Eco Council

Welcome to the Southover Eco Council blog!

The Eco Council Blog is written by members of our Eco Council

This years eco-council is working on recycling and gardening. Some people are finding out when and what vegetables should be planted. They are also finding out what environment plants should grow in. Some eco-councilors are trying to encourage people to recycle and make sure they are putting things in the right bins. They also want to make sure every class has a compost bin for wet play.

This is our school's first year of having an eco council and we have made some great changes around the school. So far we have: PLANTED A HEDGEROW and GIVEN OUT BABY SPIDERPLANTS. We are going to: HAVE AN ECO FEST,MAKE ANIMAL HOMES AND PLANT A GREEN ROOF.


This year, every child has had the chance to help plant our hedgerow. This will help re wild our field and provide habitats for insects, woodland animals and birds. It will also help reduce carbon dioxide in the area.  We have planted different species of tree, including: Field Maple, Dog Rose and Hawthorn.
