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Southover CE Primary School

Wow, what a week we have had at Southover! The children have been absolutely immersed in the wonderful world of STEM and we have been blown away by their spark, professionalism, resilience and enthusiasm.

We have welcomed visitors from Fizz Pop Science (aka Gooey Stuey), where the children have made slime, learnt about hair raising electrons and have made spinning coptors. Suzie from Inventors and Makers delivered an inspiring assembly to KS2 all about some pretty cool engineering jobs and following that, she taught the Year 6 children how to make robots powered by micro:bits move using some clever coding. Ali from STEM Innovation and Years 3&4 had great fun with leaf blowers and Jennie from Spark2 Education worked with every class; delivering an amazing bubbles workshop for KS1 and Reception and an immersive workshop on time for KS2. We also welcomed Alice from The Observatory Science Centre, who brought in her MaterialWorks exhibits – 12 hands on exhibits which enabled the children to explore many aspects of materials. The Year 6 classes were lucky enough to take part in an exciting ‘fan boats’ workshop, run by Mike and Andrew (two fantastic STEM Ambassadors) where they created fan boats and raced them in a large tank!

What a wonderful week!
